Monthly contest submission guidelines/rules:

1. Beginning 1 June 2021, Submissions will open at 1201 midnight PT. (Subsequent months will begin on the 1st of the month at 1201 midnight PT)

2. For now, only the first fifty (50) will be accepted.

3. Submissions will will remain open until 15 June 2021 at 1159pm PT. (Subsequent months will close on the 15th of the month at 1159pm PT)

4. Each month will have parameters for that months contest, for example, [A photo prompt, with genre and word count], or [The first line must begin with a specific phrase, with word count and subject..] etc.

5. I will be the sole judge of each contest, for now, but may expand the contests and include other judges and allow more entries.

6. There is no monetary reward, and no entry fee. The contests are purely for writing practice, submission practice for contests, and for fun.

7. If you would like feedback from me (Or if other judges are introduced) you will need to indicate that on your submission.

8. Titles and feedback requests do not count in word count.

9. Your work belongs solely to you. You are free to submit it to any other contest or publication.

10. All work must be original to the submitter. It is pointless to plagiarize. The intent of this site and these contests is to have fun while practicing and improving your craft.


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